#1: View to the southwest from the confluence point, down Maggie Creek.
#2: View to the east from the confluence.
#3: Sage ground cover at the confluence site.
#4: Lilia's hand holding the GPS receiver at the confluence site.
#5: Joseph, Lilia, and Emily Grace Kerski at the site of 41 North 106 West.
#6: Looking downstream along Maggie Creek, 50 meters southwest of the confluence.
#7: Looking east along the state line fence, with Wyoming on the left and Colorado on the right, 220 meters southwest of the confluence.
#8: Looking from Colorado to Wyoming at the state line cattle guard and the starting point of the hike.
#9: Looking east up our first hill to tackle on the confluence trek.
#10: Their heads are in Wyoming, and their feet are in Colorado!
#11: 360-degree panoramic movie filmed at the confluence, with sound (MPG format).