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United States : Colorado
41 degrees north, 103 degrees west (visit #7) - All Pictures

#1: 41°N 103°W, looking southwest towards wind turbines across County Road 61.
41°N 103°W, looking southwest towards wind turbines across County Road 61.
#2: Looking north towards Nebraska (1/10 mile), from 41°N 103°W.
Looking north towards Nebraska (1/10 mile), from 41°N 103°W.
#3: Looking east from 41°N 103°W.
Looking east from 41°N 103°W.
#4: Looking south from 41°N 103°W.
Looking south from 41°N 103°W.
#5: Looking west from 41°N 103°W.
Looking  west from 41°N 103°W.
#6: GPS: 13.1’ accuracy, 4,381’ elevation at 41°N 103°W.
GPS: 13.1’ accuracy, 4,381’ elevation at 41°N 103°W.
#7: Fresh ground cover at 41°N 103°W.
Fresh ground cover at 41°N 103°W.
#8: Tiny moon almost eclipsed by wind turbine blade at 41°N 103°W.
Tiny moon almost eclipsed by wind turbine blade at 41°N 103°W.
#9: Perhaps a few more wind turbines to the east added in the last five years?
Perhaps a few more wind turbines to the east added in the last five years?
#10: June 21, 2022: Cynthia parts the clouds at Panorama Point, located about 50 miles almost due west!
June 21, 2022: Cynthia parts the clouds at Panorama Point, located about 50 miles almost due west!
#11: The Kimball Welcome Center certifies our 2022 Nebraska highpoint.
The Kimball Welcome Center certifies our 2022 Nebraska highpoint.