18-Sep-2005 -- While working on Sakhalin II Pipeline project, Andrew McLellan and Aaron Flett attempted to reach this confluence during a day off. After first getting the truck stuck for a few hours, we realized it would be a walk of 4 km through swamps to get to the point!
We planned to go back after the area froze over with Siberian winter, but never did make it back. We dedicate this attempt to our friend who was our GPS guru, Mark Sunstrum of Prince George, BC, Canada. He was a great friend and we talked about him during the adventure, thinking of him with fond memories. Without him sending us maps of the area, we would have been lost more than we were!
I also dedicate this adventure to another great person that we lost during our working on Sakhalin, Mr. Jon Baglee from Scotland/UK (pictured middle).