24-Feb-2001 -- Early on Saturday morning, February 24, 2001 we set out from Sedona to visit 34W/110N, which is the closest confluence to Old Oraibi, AZ the oldest continuous settlement in the United States. We figured that since we had to make a three and half hour trip one way to record the confluence, we should find other places to visit as well.
The confluence is located in the heart of the Hopi Indian Reservation, which is located within the Navajo Indian Reservation in north east Arizona. After traveling interstate and state highways we found ourselves driving on dirt roads for miles and miles. They were fairly level and dry as we worked our way toward our target, passing several Indian villages. The closest village to the confluence was Lo Mountain which was about 10 miles southwest of the confluence. There were several Hopi houses in a group near the confluence which is located in a draw. Some of the residents watched us walking around getting the GPS reading, wondering what in the world we were doing. So, after getting the pictures, we took a confluence project letter to them and explained what we did and told them where the actual confluence is. Then we were on our way west to check out Old Oraibi which was also on the Hopi Indian Reservation.
We found it to be the most unique village we’ve ever seen.