22-May-2002 -- On our way through the Baltic Sea towards Saint Petersburg this time we
choose to visit 56°N/16°E.
It is an offshore point at the Southern end of the
Sound, the strait between the Swedish mainland and the island of Öland.
From the Confluence we could clearly see the tiny island of Utklippan and the island of Utlängan.
The coast around Svanhalla was not very
conspicuous, but we could at least see something.
It is probably worth to mention that since our departure from Morocco we
have a passenger on board. It is a carrier pigeon, carrying even a letter in a ring
around its leg.
It is fully tame and living now in and around the navigating bridge. We
always thought these animals to be perfectly drilled to proceed with
mail immediately on the shortest way to their destination, but probably
to the fact that we do feed it well with rice and bread it has obviously
forgotten about its duty and prefers to travel with us to Russia.