24-Sep-2002 -- What an easy confluence, only 443 meters from the Canning Stock Route!
The Canning Stock Route is a 1,700 kilometer 4 wheel drive track that winds through four different deserts – the Tanami, Great Sandy, Gibson, and Little Sandy Deserts – on its way from Hall’s Creek to Wiluna. Created in 1906 as a way for Kimberley cattle to be brought to the Perth market, it is now a fantastic way to see a beautiful part of Western Australia.
Matthew, the Goddess of Confluences (and Travel and Stomach Ailments and many other important things) and I carefully picked our way through the thick spinifex to the top of the dune and then walked west along the dune ridge. We hoped for a dunetop confluence, but it turned out to be 55 meters down on the lower slopes of the dune in fairly thick brush with no views. I walked down there for photos but the shrubs were dense and uninteresting. The dunetop was so much more beautiful (and within the legal 100 meters) that, after consulting with the Goddess, we decided to submit mostly dune photos.