21-Jan-2003 -- I was traveling to the northwest corner of the province on business and thought that a visit to a confluence would be a good way to break up the 16 hour drive and to see a new part of the province.
The trip was made through 20 cm of fresh snow and -28 degree and windy weather. After a straight forward drive on unplowed roads, west from Rycroft on highway 49 to secondary highway 725, then north to secondary road 681 and east and south to a point only 1.7 km north of the confluence I unloaded my quad for the final trek to the site.
The site is located on private land; I did have to go through an open gate and a closed gate (opened/closed the gate as I went through) to get to the site, with out permission of the land owner. I figured that it was too cold for anyone to be out on this morning.
The confluence is located in a open field with views of the Peace river valley to the north east. It is a very scenic spot. Lots of camping and hiking spots located in the area.