07-Jun-2008 -- 2007 and 2008 are officially marked as the International Polar Years, Eric Schlameisen, Philip de Roo and Joep Bovens took this opportunity to do a double crossing of the Greenland Icecap during these two years under the name of Notice-Expedition. During these unsupported crossings the team solely relied on climate neutral energy sources such as sun, wind and Biofuel.
In the spring of 2007 an east - west crossing was done (600km, 26 days). During May and June 2008 the south to north crossing of Greenland was done (2500km, 32 days). During this trip the team crossed several confluences but only stopped to take pictures on this one... 75N, 48W
Coordinator's Note: This amazing expedition is covered on many web sites, I recommend the liquid-earth link!