05-Dec-2002 -- I was working as a contractor at the fertiliser plant at Phosphate Hill south of The Monument QLD. I found this web site accidently while there and realised that an unvisited confluence was only 14 kilometres away. Ths is a VERY remote part of the world and I fully expected that I'd have to return another day to attempt to find it, as I expected it to be at least 10km from a road and probably in the mining lease which would make it inaccessable. I had no maps with me but did have my Garmin e-Trex.
Since I could not go directly from the plant to the site as the mining lease blocked the way, I decided to back track to the Osborne mine access road and found that it seemed to be taking me in exactly the right direction (14km to go). Alas it took me to a point 8.7km from the spot but no closer. Not wishing to undertake a 3 to 4 hour walk in remote country, I elected to back track to Noranside cattle station access road, hoping it would take me closer. It did! I followed this rough dirt road to a point only 1km from the confluence and lo and behold, as soon as my GPS needle swung to the side, there was a newly graded track going in the right direction. Unbelievable in such a remote location! I followed it to a point only 10 or 15 metres from the confluence point ( my GPS accuracy at the time was 5 m). I am still at Phosphate Hill and have the photos on my digital camera. As soon as I get home I'll download and post them. I thought this would be boring, I was wrong!