the Degree Confluence Project

Australia : New South Wales

16.8 km (10.4 miles) N of Bundure, NSW, Australia
Approx. altitude: 122 m (400 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 35°N 34°W

Accuracy: 20.0 km (12.4 mi)
Quality: good

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  35°S 146°E (visit #1) (incomplete) 

(visited by jonathan giddy)

11-Oct-2001 -- This may seem like a futile attempt, only getting to within 20 km of the spot, but having made the plans, travelled 1400 kms and subjected my family to hours in the car in torrential rain, I must enter something. I had planned to do two points, this one and 35°S 147°E.

After leaving Mirra Booka (see 35°S 147°E) we stopped for lunch and I suggested my wife should navigate us to the second point. I handed her the 1:50,000 map and told her we needed to get to the bottom left corner, and would then switch to GPS. After over an hour of driving on slippery dirt roads, in pouring rain, she announced we must be close. I checked the GPS and it still had 40km west required. I checked the map and found I had given my wife the wrong map, we had gone due south, not SW and still had an entire map to go west. I tried to take a shortcut and still make it but with two very tired children, the weather closing in and feeling very foolish, I turned for home after a further hour on unsealed slippery roads.

If nobody else picks this one up I will get back there in the next six months, but if anybody does want to go, e-mail me for tips and details on how to get there.

The spot requires taking a right off the Newell Highway from Narrandera, towards Coleambally on the Yamma road. Just after crossing the canal, turn left onto Gilbert road which goes to Jerilderie and on or near the farm Killarney you should find the spot. Have fun

Editors note: Although there are no pictures for this attempt, I felt it was worth putting up Jonathan's narrative for future visitors!