12-Feb-2006 -- NAGECO (North African Geophysical Exploration Company) is a geophysical seismic sub contractor to the main oil companies working in Libya. The confluence team that recorded this point is part of the NAGECO Crew 201 Survey Department. This is a mobile crew and travels with a totally self sufficient camp from prospect to prospect in the search for oil and gas.
While establishing a First Order GPS Geodetic Control Network in the Ḥaraš area, the confluence team realised that Confluence 29N 20E is just over 80 km due northwest. Since the field work was completed in good time, the Crew 201 surveyors decided that they had enough time to visit the confluence point.
For safety reasons two four-wheel drive vehicles were used for the trip and these were equipped with two spare tyres each, tow ropes for pulling each other out of soft sand if needed, and survival kits. The survival equipment consisted of the usual flares, food and water, and first aid etc. In addition to these items a satellite phone was taken to call our base camp for help in any emergency.
The team left the Ḥaraš area at around 13:00 hrs on 12 February and travelled approximately 85 km to reach 29N 20E at around 15:50 hrs. Most of the trip was over good flat terrain but for the last 17 km the team had to drive through quite large sand dunes to reach the Confluence. Before getting to the sand dunes area the team travelled through a wide wādiy consisting of 'sabkha' (wet quick sand) and scattered patches of vegetation. Just before the sand dunes area the team encountered some really beautiful rock formations.
Photos were taken and the minimum time was spent sightseeing as it was important to be out of the dunes before night time.