the Degree Confluence Project

United States : Colorado

7.3 miles (11.7 km) NNW of Kenton (OK), Baca, CO, USA
Approx. altitude: 1350 m (4429 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap topo aerial ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 37°S 77°E

Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: View to the north. #3: View to the east. #4: View to the south with Mike. #5: GPS's #6: Confluence distance to car with Ben. #7: Surreal rock formation that resembles Needles in Utah.

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  37°N 103°W (visit #1)  

#1: View to the south.

(visited by Ben Manthey and Michael DiGrazia)

30-Jun-2001 -- After leaving 38°N 103°W (our first confluence of the day) we worked our way back to the main road. On the way we drove over the John Martin Dam instead of below it. While driving over the dam we could easily see several badly sunburned fishermen in boats. Once on the main road we headed back the way we had come. Once in the town of Wiley we got back on 287, except this time we headed further south. In the town of Springfield we crossed route 160 which we would use to head further west to our third confluence of the day. Since we were still heading to our second confluence, we ignored both Springfield and the crossing of route 160, and continued south. Just outside of the town of Campo, we turned west on road M, which was a dirt road. We traveled 18 miles on road M to road 8. Once on road 8 we went south for another 15 miles or so. As we headed south we could see many mesas rising over the horizon. These mesas were a totally unexpected feature. Ben had always imagined Oklahoma to be a totally flat and boring state. We soon headed into the small twisty canyons that wove their way between the mesas. Unexpectedly, as we approached the confluence an old couple in a sedan waved us down. They wanted to know the way to town. Since the nearest town was over twenty miles away we really didn't have a good answer for them, but gave them directions to the nearest paved road. A mile past a surreal rock formation that resembled Needles in Utah, we reached the confluence. It was 1:00 PM. The confluence was only a few feet from the point where Oklahoma, New Mexico and Colorado met. Even though this was Ben's first time in Oklahoma, he didn't do his Freddy Benson imitation ("Oklahoma!, Oklahoma!, Oklahoma!"). The confluence turned out to be only a few feet from the road. The road was easily inside the 100 meter accuracy required. We insisted on walking a few feet out into the field, just to get all those pretty zeros on the display. The field was thoroughly populated with large, spiny cactuses. We mostly avoided stepping on them, except for one that got stuck in Ben's ankle, that he had to kick off with his other foot. Onward to 37°N 104°W.

 All pictures
#1: View to the south.
#2: View to the north.
#3: View to the east.
#4: View to the south with Mike.
#5: GPS's
#6: Confluence distance to car with Ben.
#7: Surreal rock formation that resembles Needles in Utah.
ALL: All pictures on one page
  Pending visits
Submitted  Visit date  Name  Success?  Status? 
05-Sep-24  01-Sep-24  Michael G  yes  pending