02-Dec-2011 -- During a short visit to Tajikistan to look at EU financed projects we were 20 km from this point while looking at renovation of irrigation canals. I took the opportunity to introduce the subject of point hunting to Arndt and he was quickly converted!
From a previous study of Google earth it seemed that the point should be quite easy although being only a short distance from the river marking the border with Afghanistan I was not sure if the security forces would be a problem. The road led directly toward the river but ended in a locked gate and fence at an army camp.
Fortunately we were able to retreat a few hundred metres and take a side track which bypassed the base. We soon found ourselves on a good road - which no doubt leads to the Uzbek border (also closed). This took us across an irrigation canal and then turning off inland along a track we managed to drive within 100 metres of the point. We also had to cross the railway track - also deserted as this too leads to the closed border with Uzbekistan.
The point lies about 10 metres to the west of the tracks on sandy land with Saxaul bushes. The dance took a little while as I was confusing E and W! Back to the car and a soldier's (quick) lunch before getting back to work.