English narrative
09-May-2006 -- 这个点就在从额济纳通往乌力吉的路上,一开始我们并没有注意到他的存在,直道车辆距离只有几十公里的地方,才发现公里一直沿着北纬42度向西.于是在全中国电子地图上表示出了这个点,同时打开了Global Mapper,察看地形.
English narrative
09-May-2006 -- We just on our way home, and do not have plan to visit a confluence point, until we found that our jeep is ride just on longtitue 42 degree. We travel by ourself in gobi, and their is no other car, so we dare not to driver off-road to hunt the point. Luckily, the point is nearby the highway.
I don't have a GPS handset in hand, so i have to bring my tablet navigation system with me. It's about 200 meters beside the road, and only takes me a few minutes to finish it.
It have typical gobi sight near the point, only rock and sand near by. The sunset is very beatiful that day.
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