the Degree Confluence Project

Australia : New South Wales

17.7 km (11.0 miles) SE of Arumpo, NSW, Australia
Approx. altitude: 81 m (265 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 34°N 37°W

Accuracy: 5 m (16 ft)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: looking South #3: looking East #4: looking West #5: GPS #6: Dawn on the spot #7: CP 1.37K this way

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  34°S 143°E (visit #3)  

#1: looking North

(visited by Doug Thompson and Dawn Thompson)

11-Feb-2005 -- From 32S 127E, This was our third confluence on our trip from Perth to Newcastle. We thought we would be the first to get this one, but Mark beat us by five days.

From Mildura we took the road towards Mungo National Park. We slept at cross roads 79K from Mildura.This cross road was 16.1K from the confluence. In the morning we turned right here and headed south on the Euston-Robinvale road. As we neared 34South we turned onto a track that headed east,it was marked with a sign "pipe".

At this point we were about 12K from the CP. About 2K from here the track started head north and went through a gate. So we turned right here and continued to head east along side the fence. There was a lot of old fence wire on this track. We came to a low lying area and the track headed north again away from the fence, and appeared to end at an earth dam.

We found another gate and rejoined the fence heading east agian.After a while the distance to the CP started to rise so we turned around and took a track that went north. A short distance up this track and the CP was 1.37K to the east which was about the same distance to it from the original track.So we parked the car and got ready for our walk. We saw a couple of goats near the CP,and were back at the car after a nice one hour walk.

 All pictures
#1: looking North
#2: looking South
#3: looking East
#4: looking West
#5: GPS
#6: Dawn on the spot
#7: CP 1.37K this way
ALL: All pictures on one page