Рассказ по-русски
English narrative
04-Sep-2005 -- This CP was located in the Russian National Reserve Park "Buzulukskii Bor", which is the largest forest in the Ural plains. Needless to say, the trip to the CP as well as the CP itself was very picturesque. Getting past the guards on the roads was the most difficult part in reaching this CP, as all over the forest there are roads used by forest keepers. One of these roads brought us within 100 meters of the CP. The rest of the distance was covered by foot, which turned out in a nice forest walk.
Рассказ по-русски
04-Sep-2005 --
Национальный заповедник "Бузулукский Бор", Борский район Самарской области - почти на границе с Оренбургской. Потрясающе красивые места, звенящий чистотой воздух. Точка, на наше счастье, оказалась буквально в 100 метрах от дороги, иначе вряд ли бы мы нашли ее так просто. Кстати, мы уже были готовы к тому, что нас не пропустят в заповедник, но все обошлось.