English narrative
Рассказ по-русски
21-Oct-2005 -- Выехали из Твери через Рамешки и Максатиху. В Максатихе центральная часть закрыта для проезда автомобилей из-за базарного дня (случающегося именно по пятницам), и лишние полчаса тратим на поиск объезда.
За Максатихой грунтовая дорога, часто попадаются навстречу груженые лесовозы.
На лесную дорогу сворачиваем возле Карельского Заручья, заезжая немного севернее точки, хотя возможен еще вариант, не доезжая до деревни, съезд к точке прямо на запад.
Последний километр лесной дороги идем пешком, и оказываемся менее чем в 100 метрах от точки пересечения (фото 6). Долго точку не ищем, смирившись с погрешностью определения из-за высоких деревьев.
В лесу прекрасная для поздней осени погода, сплошной ковер желтых листьев, а на некоторых лужицах на просеке нерастаявший с утра тонкий ледок (фото 9). Лес в этом районе довольно любопытный, ели растут вперемешку с соснами. На обратном пути прямо перед нами вылетел тетерев, но поймать его в кадр не получилось.
English narrative
21-Oct-2005 -- On October 21st, 2005 we drove through Tver, Rameshki, Maksatikha, Lyubyatino, Sel'cy, Kievka and turned left from an unpaved road onto a forest dirt road at Karel'skoe Zaruch'e (N58° 0.903' E36° 1.869').
We took the left road at N58° 0.704' E36° 0.299'. Finally we parked our Niva about 1 km from the Confluence Point (N58° 0.521' E36° 0.172'), because we were not sure that it would be able to handle the remaining puddles. We hiked along this road and discovered that the Confluence Point was located about 60 meters east of the road.
The Confluence Point was located in a dense forest, so the GPS readings were not very accurate.
Given more chutzpah, it would have probably been possible to drive to within 60 meters of the Confluence Point. On the other hand we observed a nice anthill near this road and a heath-cock which took off in front of us. We would have doubtlessly missed this experience if we had driven.
The weather was good enough: there was no rain and only a slight wind. The air temperature was above zero degrees Celsius but the puddles located in the ruts of the road were covered by thin ice.
A possible alternative route is another dirt road starting at N57° 59,836' E36° 1,816'. The Confluence Point is located about 2 km west from this point. According to an available map this road also leads almost to the Confluence Point (through Znamensky). We did not take this shorter road because it crossed a small creek. The road that we chose followed a small ridge and was supposedly drier.