English narrative
10-Aug-2005 -- 从化德出来,一路都是草原路;跟着一个拖拉机走了半天,终于到达了点的附近。这是一片草原,点似乎就在山的那一面。大家懒得走了,直接开车上山,沿着铁丝网一直逼近点所在的位置。被当地农民发现,追了过来,让我们紧张半天。原来不是斥责我们压坏了草坪,而是过来告诉我们,路不再这边,而在那边,让我们感动了半天:毕竟是没有经过旅游区洗礼的农民啊,还很纯朴。跟他说不清楚,就告诉他我们不是要去旅游区,只是随便看看,弃车安步,在一个小山坡上,到达了目标点:N42E114。
English narrative
10-Aug-2005 -- It cost us less than an hour from the nearest city to this point. We drive directly over the hill and found the point nearby. Local people are very warm hearted, they think we drive to the wrong way and try to help us. It hard to explain, so we told them we just want to take some photos nearby.
The way to next point is new and very beautiful, it makes our journey more happy.
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