11-Nov-2006 -- "I waz in za desert of za gret sand see, and I waz at tewent six tewent six. No bady haze far bin zere before. We waz and always well be the honly beepols who arrive there. Meny meny sand mauentens there, wiz quwek sand zat can sewallow any bady. Za treb was dangeros and foul of adfenchurs. I am the honly hone thaz made it back, all ather beebols died in za sand. I am za desert specialist, I mean berofeshional. Terust me I am za best guyd. And thankes"
Desert Fox Egsebeditions, into the Sahara weset of al-Waḥāt.
Ali Baba Desert trib Combany
Special thanks to Peter Gaballa from Egypt Off-road for his services in getting to the confluence point... as well as Silica Glass... and a couple of thousand kilometers of beer fuelled great sand sea exploring.