the Degree Confluence Project

Russia : Respublika Komi

3.8 km (2.4 miles) SW of Inta, Respublika Komi, Russia
Approx. altitude: 59 m (193 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 66°S 120°W

Accuracy: 10 m (32 ft)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: take a picture of the first people here #3: the first and only picture with exposure of 30 seconds

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  66°N 60°E (visit #1) (incomplete) 

#1: confluence on GPS

(visited by Serg Berestovoy)


06-Sep-2006 – Swamp's around. Only bog and stunted twisted trees. It took about 6 hours to reach there. We did not have a map. We walked guided by the GPS-navigator. Several times we sank into the swamp. Someone even to the waist! We arrived at night and were frozen. Although it was warm enough for this time of year. We did not have even a flashlight, but the moon shone. God was on our side. Night photographing was unsuccessful. Actually I photographed the navigator screen with light from my phone.


06-Сен-2006 – Болото вокруг. Только болото и чахлые искривленные деревья. Добирались около 6-ти часов. У нас не было карты. Мы шли по GPS-навигатору . Несколько раз проваливались в болото. Кто-то даже по пояс! Мы пришли ночью. Замерзли. Было достаточно тепло для этого времени. У нас не было даже фонаря, но светила луна. Бог был за нас. Фотографировать ночью совсем не получилось. Даже навигатор я фотографировал с подсветкой от телефона.

Coordinator's Note: This visit is considered as incomplete since it doesn't meet our photo requirements.

 All pictures
#1: confluence on GPS
#2: take a picture of the first people here
#3: the first and only picture with exposure of 30 seconds
ALL: All pictures on one page