the Degree Confluence Project

Kazakhstan : Shyghys Qazaqstan

8.0 km (5.0 miles) SW of Kyzylshilik, Shyghys Qazaqstan, Kazakhstan
Approx. altitude: 423 m (1387 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 50°S 99°W

Accuracy: 5 m (16 ft)
Quality: good

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#2: Looking east #3: Looking south #4: Looking west #5: GPS readings #6: CP surrroundings

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  50°N 81°E  

#1: Looking north

(visited by Denis Spiridonov)

24-May-2017 – The time has come today for me to visit this confluence.

I set off about 3 pm. Most of my way was over the Ust-Kamenogorsk – Semey highway. I drove about 115 km and then pulled off to an unpaved road to Askaraly village. In Askaraly I steered slightly to the right and for about 3 km followed a barely visible path which then joined a somewhat better road with coarse-grain sand cover (naturally weathered granodiorite porphyry). I drove around 3 more km and pulled off the road and set the car right through small bush. In half a km I stopped and made the rest of the way (some 1.5 km) on foot. This part of the travel was terrible because there was a whole lot of mosquitoes. Whenever you stop, they simply cover all you bare parts trying to suck all your blood for free. Hundreds of them died there... I survived.

I made it there at 6:50 pm. The area where the confluence lies has hilly terrain of granitoid dykes and is adjacent to the Delbegetey location famous with its emerald occurrences (depleted as far back as in Soviet times). As for the flora, the rocky hills there are covered with sagebrush, wild rose, Caragana arborescens, and various species of wild grass. I stayed there just as long as I needed to take proof photos. The way back was nothing special in itself, except for myriads insects that hit my windshield and made me a bit uncomfortable.

Thanks for reading this.

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#1: Looking north
#2: Looking east
#3: Looking south
#4: Looking west
#5: GPS readings
#6: CP surrroundings
ALL: All pictures on one page
  Pending visits
Submitted  Visit date  Name  Success?  Status? 
16-Oct-22  13-Oct-22  Valera Parshukov  yes  pending