the Degree Confluence Project

Canada : Alberta

3.1 km (1.9 miles) N of Furman, AB, Canada
Approx. altitude: 1261 m (4137 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap topo topo250 ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 50°S 66°E

Accuracy: 2.8 km (1.7 mi)

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: This campground - 4.2km NNW of the point - is a possible alternative way to approach the point

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  50°N 114°W (visit #3) (incomplete) 

#1: This farm road - 2.8km South of the point - appears to provide the most direct access, but is signposted “no trespassing”

(visited by Ross Finlayson)

04-Aug-2024 -- After spending a week on vacation mountain biking in the British Columbia Rockies, I’m spending a couple of days driving through southern Alberta before returning to the US. Today I decided to attempt this point - last visited 13 years ago by the Ohnesorges.

The most obvious approach to reach this point is via a farm road off AB-520 at [49.97585,-114.00946], 2.77km South of the point. (This appears to be the route that the Ohnesorge’s took.) Unfortunately, when I got to this farm road, I saw that it was signposted “foot access only - no vehicles” and “no trespassing”.

So instead, I tried another approach - from the Southwest. At [49.97413,-114.08663], I turned off AB-520 onto E. Trout Creek Road; another gravel road, which circles clockwise around the point. This road reaches its closest approach - about 4.2km NNW of the point - at [50.02618,-114.04209]. Here there is a campground (filled today with vacationers), leading to a doubletrack road that runs alongside a creek, in the general direction of the point. I got onto my mountain bike and tried riding along this doubletrack - which soon turned into a singletrack, which then became overgrown and indistinct, after less than 1km. At this point - still 3.6km from the point - I gave up and decided to count this as an ‘incomplete’ visit. (Perhaps if I ever pass this way again in the future, I might try hiking (bushwhacking) from the campground, instead of mountain biking. Or I might try exploring what appears to be (on satellite imagery) a rough farm road that starts just to the East of the campground.

 All pictures
#1: This farm road - 2.8km South of the point - appears to provide the most direct access, but is signposted “no trespassing”
#2: This campground - 4.2km NNW of the point - is a possible alternative way to approach the point
ALL: All pictures on one page