13-Jan-2001 -- Well, we tried! This confluence is about 1/4 mile west of
Farm-to Market Road 2779, south of Moore, Texas, in the
middle of the West Bigfoot Gas Field. We drove down from
San Antonio on a nice Saturday afternoon, and found the
'closest approach' point with the eTrex with no problem.
Edward and Ed got out of the car to explore further, and
were met with a ditch (or bar-ditch, as they are universally
known out here) full of black, gluey mud. No problem. The
problem was the shoulder-high wall of thorny brush shown
in Photo #1. We hadn't brought our machetes.
We cruised around, looking for alternate routes, and
found one that might serve a better-prepared confluencer
well in the future. A road just south of the 29th parallel
leads to about six gas wells back in the scrub; one of
them appears, on the aerial photo, to be perhaps 500 feet
south of the spot. The road is barred by a gate with the
clever lock-selector shown in Photo #2.