31-Mar-2001 -- These confluences are getting to be a snap! This was our third confluence of the day. On this leg, we had to deviate from the I-55 corridor, but not too far. We decided to drive through the towns of Blytheville and Gosnell, AR. We saw the Arkansas International Airport, formerly a USAF base. This confluence was easily attained by crossing the AR-MO stateline, parking and running out into the cotton field. This farm was much drier than the ones that we have been recently visiting and the bug infestation was not too bad. We saw some trucks up at the next flood control ditch, presumably they were fishing. Seeing that we have one more confluence to attain for this trip we decided rather going over for a chat that we should press on and jump ahead to our next site. 7 down, one more to go, on to
N38 W90.