the Degree Confluence Project

Italy : Molise

near Termoli, Campobasso, Molise, Italy
Approx. altitude: 1 m (3 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 42°S 165°W

Accuracy: 35 m (114 ft)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: Gps12 in Serena's hand #3: The exact point marked by a X #4: NORTH: Termoli's commercial port #5: Serena with a nice frog on head #6: Luca #7: SOUTH #8: WEST #9: Termoli: a structure used for fish named "trabocco" #10: Termoli's fortress

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  42°N 15°E (visit #2)  

#1: EAST: Termoli's seaside

(visited by Luca Bartolini and Serena Baiocchi)

22-Aug-2001 -- During my holidays in Abruzzo, Serena has advised me to explore this confluence, located at about 60 km from our hotel. The trip start in the morning at 11 o’clock, I drive through the highway A14 from “Torino val di Sangro” to “Termoli (CB)” and then we reach Termoli’s seaside at about 12:15.

Initially we had some problem because there was an enclose yard between us and the confluence point; but after a few minutes we have decided to walk around the enclosure and then at 12:45 we have reached the exact point. Fortunately the point was located outside the enclosure and we didn’t need to cross it.

There was not anybody on the seaside because of a storm in the morning, the grass around the point was burnt and the sand was wet. I have traced a X on the point with my umbrella.

A little look around us:

  • At North we see the commercial port of Termoli and some ships.
  • At South we see the extension of the yard where there is a road under construction.
  • At East we see the deserted seaside
  • At West we see the enclosure and some hotels.

This exploration is dedicated to my love: Serena

 All pictures
#1: EAST: Termoli's seaside
#2: Gps12 in Serena's hand
#3: The exact point marked by a X
#4: NORTH: Termoli's commercial port
#5: Serena with a nice frog on head
#6: Luca
#8: WEST
#9: Termoli: a structure used for fish named "trabocco"
#10: Termoli's fortress
ALL: All pictures on one page
On the sand of the beach, only about 30 m from the seaside.