21-Apr-2000 -- It's Good Friday. This confluence,
39 north 88 west is located near the town of Willow Hill, Illinois just
a few feet north of the Indiana Rail Road line. The INRR runs from
Newton, Illinois to Indianapolis, Indiana and operates on the former
Illinois Central Line. Photograph one is looking east from the
confluence. The tree line to the right is the railroad right of way.
Picture three is on the railroad looking east. Picture 2 is the
obligatory GPS among the crop residue. Picture 4 is the St.
Francisville, Illinois toll bridge. This one lane bridge, formerly a
railroad bridge, is now owned by the town of St. Francisville and links
St. Francisville to Vincennes, Indiana over the Wabash River. The toll
is $0.50 for cars.