09-Sep-2001 -- 44N001W and 45N001W are quite typical of the "Landes" landscape: a flat area with exploited pine trees over fern and bramble.
We visited 45N001W coming from Lacanau on September 9th. Not the best day to walk in the woods, as it was the opening day of the shooting season.
We had just parked the car, after Meogas on the D 104e4 from Lacanau to Brach that we met our first hunters!
After having asked them if - and where - we were supposed to meet other hunters, we carefully walked along a small brook and then through a semi open landscape, having continuous chat to make sure the game left the place (which they did) and eventual hunters could be aware of our presence!
We arrived safely to the place and had some trouble to stabilize the GPS image under the trees (you can see on the picture we had 2 GPS, and they don't show exactly the same spot!)
The altitude there was 44 meters, and we can consider the accuracy was 30 meters