the Degree Confluence Project

United States : Minnesota

6.4 miles (10.3 km) NNE of Plummer (Red Lake), Pennington, MN, USA
Approx. altitude: 347 m (1138 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap topo aerial ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 48°S 84°E

Accuracy: 2 m (6 ft)
Quality: more pictures needed

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  48°N 96°W (visit #1)  

#1: this is the confluence point

(visited by Sarah Kohler)

21-Oct-2001 -- On a rainy Sunday morning we trekked through an acre of pasture and woodland to our location. The point located just south of Theif River Falls took us a 5 hour drive and a 4 hour search for a driveable road. The day before we had scoped out the approximate location, the confluence was located in the woods of an abandoned farmland. With the permission of a nearby farmer we crawled under the barbed wire fence and started our journey. The farmer had given us warning that last weekend several bears had been seen in the area and that it is was also mating season for the moose. On the way to the location we saw several "pies," there were no cows in the area so we assumed they were moose pies. After walking through about 300 yards of Aspen trees we found the point at the edge of the property. It was located where the forest and the field met. As we were taking pictures of the area the rain started to pour down and we heard a sound. At first it sounded like a cow, but as we listened again it was not a cow. It was a moose, we heard rustling about 20 yards off and the call again. We got out of there as quickly as we could. We raced backed to the car and headed to the nearest McDonald's to celebrate with Big Macs.

Coordinator's Note: Unfortunately most of the pictures taken before the visitors got chased away by the moose did not turn out. If anyone feels like going out there (during a less dangerous season) to take more pictures, it would be appreciated.

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#1: this is the confluence point
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