29-Jul-2002 -- This was the third confluence of four we found on our holidays, and the first one in Saskatchewan.
After getting groceries and fuel (always getting fuel) in Prince Albert, we headed North along the Number 2 Highway, which goes past the Prince Albert National Park and up to Lac La Ronge. From the maps I had it appeared that the confluence was about 5 miles west of the highway. However I couldn’t see any roads in the area and was thus expecting that this confluence might be a tough grind.
As we approached the area I kept a look out for cut lines or access roads. I saw one access road about one mile before we crossed 54 degrees, however it appeared to only go about 100 feet into the bush and then stop. Driving down the road for another 5 miles we didn’t find any more roads or trails going towards the confluence so we turned around and decided to check out the one road we had found.
Once we turned off the highway and started into the bush it became evident that this road did actually go into the bush and after a couple of 90 degree turns, headed west. Most of the area had been clear cut 20 to 25 years ago and had now been replanted. We only made it down the road just over a mile before we came across an apparent deactivation of the road. A three foot mound of packed gravel had been created out of the gravel from both side of the road. While most pick-ups would have made it over the hump, our crew cab with camper hanging out the back looked liked it would high center. With my Wife driving I watched as she attempted to drive over the hump, but to no avail. The wheel base was too long and we were going to get hung up. We briefly discussed digging the hill out, but with only a small folding shovel we decided against it. I calculated that the confluence was around 3 miles away so we were back to using our feet.
We knew that the first mile would certainly be via the road ahead, as we could see about 1 km ahead as the road was flat and straight. After that we had no idea where this road would lead or just how far it would go. The younger members of the crew decided to stay with the truck and let Mom and Dad do this one by themselves. (this would turn out to be too bad for them)
Whether it was luck or just good planning on my behalf, the road continued to wind its way not only West, but it also curved towards the North. Except for a short encounter with a White Tail Deer, this walk was nice and quiet. Not long after we crossed 54 degrees the road again headed straight west towards 106. Just after passing a couple of cut lines we came to 106 degrees. The GPS showed we were about 800 feet from the confluence. This meant that we had to head into the bush which was still made up of the newly planted forest. It looked like the confluence was going to be located in the clear cut area, but about 100 feet before we reached the confluence we walked into old growth forest, While there was only limited brush, keeping a reading on the GPS proved to be the most difficult part of this confluence. Most of the trees in the area were older and the ground covering was mostly moss. (some people would call this Muskeg but this was mild ground cover so it only gets classified as moss)
The total trip on foot was around 2 hours and this confluence made me look like I actually knew what I was doing. (the next confluence would again prove that statement wrong)
Elevation was 1753 feet.