the Degree Confluence Project

Japan : Tohoku

3.9 km (2.4 miles) ESE of Ōgata, Ōgata-mura, Akita-ken, Tohoku, Japan
Approx. altitude: -4 m (-13 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 40°S 40°W

Accuracy: 5 m (16 ft)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: North from the confluence #3: East from the confluence #4: South from the confluence #5: West from the confluence #6: 40N 140E #7: Close up on the confluence point #8: The monument #9: The center of the monument #10: A view of Oogata village from the hotel

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  40°N 140°E (visit #1)  

#1: A view around the confluence

(visited by Ken Wakasa and Kumiko Wakasa)

Japanese Version

21-Aug-2002 -- The confluence point of 40N 140E is located in Oogata village, Akita prefecture, Japan. The village was artificially emerged by a reclamation from Hachirogata Lagoon in 1964. According to the brochure of the village, an enterprise of reclamation was started in 1957 and finished in 1977. The Hachirogata Lagoon used to be the second largest lake in Japan until the reclamation. The village now occupies 17,005 hectares.

On Wednesday, August 21st 2002, we visited there to get to the confluence point along with taking a vacation. We had checked the website of the village in advance so that we had got the fact that there is a monument called "Keiido-Koukaiten (Longitude-latitude crossing point)" there. We thought we can get to the point somewhat easily because we can rely on the monument and the flat land there.

We arrived at a hotel via Hachirogata station of JR Ohu line. After the check-in, we started looking for the point by rental bicycles. We found a sign of North 40 degree line to begin with. As we proceeded toward exact east from the sign, we could get to the monument. However, the monument wasn't located at 40N 140E in the WGS84 datum. It was at 40N 140E in the Tokyo datum as I expected. Actually my GPS terminal showed N40°00'09.8" E139°59'47.7" in the WGS84 datum and N39°59'59.7" E139°59'59.8" in the Tokyo datum at the center of the monument. The monument appeared to be 10m distant from the exact confluence even in the Tokyo datum.

From the point of the monument, we were headed for the WGS84 confluence point through footpaths between rice fields . We were able to get to the point easily with the help of the GPS navigator. The point was in the middle of rice fields. It was at approximately 15m from the nearest footpath. It was almost nothing to penetrate a little into the field since the ground of the field was dry. I took pictures of the four compass directions and the GPS reading at the point.

This large level land can be considered as very exceptional in this mountainous country. We enjoyed this flat scenery.

As a side note, this is the only 10-degree confluence point in Japan apart from water confluences.

Japanese Version


2002年8月21日に私たちは休暇も兼ねて大潟村を訪れました。事前に 大潟村ウェブサイトにて、村内には「経緯度交会点」 と呼ばれるモニュメントがあることを確認していました。村全体がほぼ完全な平地であることも踏まえると、そのモニュメントを参考にすれば目標地点に到達するのは難しくないだろうと思いました。

JR奥羽本線 八郎潟駅経由で大潟村に入り、ホテルにチェックインした後、自転車を借りて目的地に向かいました。最初に見付けたのが 北緯40度を示す標識でした。この標識からまっすぐに東に行くと モニュメントに辿り着きました。このモニュメントの設置されている地点は当初の予想通り日本測地系(Tokyo Datum) における北緯40度東経140度の地点であり、WGS84 に基づいたものではありませんでした。この地点は GPS によると WGS84 では北緯40度0 分9.8秒 東経139度59分47.7秒でした。ちなみに GPS の測地系を Tokyo Datum に変更するとこの地点は北緯39度59分59.7秒 東経139度59分59.8秒と測定されました。モニュメントの設置点はTokyo Datum でも実際には10m程度のズレがあるようでした。

ここからあぜ道を抜けて WGS84 の目的地点に向かいました。GPS のナビゲーションにしたがい比較的簡単に田んぼの中のポイントに辿り着くことができました。WGS84 の北緯40度東経140度の地点は、最も近いあぜ道から15mほどの田んぼの真っ只中でした。田んぼの地面は乾燥していたので、少し入り込むだけなら簡単でした。そこで東西南北の写真と GPS 表示の写真を取りました。



 All pictures
#1: A view around the confluence
#2: North from the confluence
#3: East from the confluence
#4: South from the confluence
#5: West from the confluence
#6: 40N 140E
#7: Close up on the confluence point
#8: The monument
#9: The center of the monument
#10: A view of Oogata village from the hotel
ALL: All pictures on one page
In the middle of the island that is entirely made up of reclaimed land from the former Hachirō-gata Lake.