28-Aug-2002 -- Confluence 62N 30E was visited by Mr Matti Oksanen , Mr Vesa Jaakola , Mr Markku Lappalainen , Ms Hanna Alanen and Mrs Maija Piironen-Jaakola. The visit was a beautiful result of long-lasting preparations.
On our map we investigated that the confluence 62N 30E is located on lake Pyhäjärvi within Kitee municipality. For geographical orientation, guidance by a local journalist Markku Lappalainen was needed.
Our best GPS-expert was Mr Oksanen with his musa and fiancé Hanna Alanen. The GPS device used was a contribution of Viikki Tropical Resources Institute (VITRI) in the University of Helsinki.
In order to get to the Confluence, a boat was needed. For this need a local land owner was contacted by us. He, the retired police officer Mr Kauko Raekorpi, let us use his traditional style tarred wooden boat for the operation.
On 28 August, the weather was fine in Eastern Finland, +25°C in an arctic country. Mild wind came from the west and it was easy to approach the Confluence on the lake. The Confluence is situated about 200 m from land, the closest road being about 400 m away.
At the very confluence, we felt wonderful vibrations caused by gravitation of the confluence, perhaps, or by waves of the lake.