24-Aug-2003 -- Nous avons décidé d`aller a l`aventure le samedi et nous somme parti le dimanche matin avec nos deux chiens en direction rapide blanc, nous avons eu quelque difficulté a trover le chemin, on a fait une premiere tentative a pied a travers le bois mais sans succes. On a donc continuer a chercher la petite route qui semblait mener directement au point. Une fois trouvé, le chemain était impratiquable, nous avons du marcher environ 10 Km pour se rendre au point, rendu a destination quelle ne fut pas notre surprise de voir un chalet construit a quelque metres du point. Le point était tout juste au bord de l`eau, le paysage est somme toute ordinaire mais nous sommes tres content d`avoir visité une premiere concordance.
24-Aug-2003 -- We decided saturday to hunt for a confluence and we started the trip on sunday morning whith a friend of us and our 2 dogs, there was 2 ways to reach the point, we first tried to reach it by deep forest but we had to abort because it was too long. We noticed by the map that there was a small road that was passing near the confluence, once we found that road, which was not easy, we discovered after a while that we couldnt continue further with our car and we had to walk about 10 Km to get to the point. When we finally arrived, we were a little amazed to discover that a chalet was build real near the point, about 10 meters from the confluence. we didnt know we had to take a picture with no humans in it so we didnt take one and our trips is considered incomplete.