24-Aug-2004 -- The intersection of 35 degrees north latitude and 96 degrees west longitude [Photo 6] sits southeast of the Canadian River in the northwest corner of Pittsburg County, Oklahoma [population 44,000 (OK’s 35th fastest growing county!), 1378 square miles]. Access by car is extremely easy as the CP is located in the ditch line on the south side of a well maintained country road.
Directions: Turn off U.S. Highway 270 at Cabaniss. [The direction is north, but that doesn’t seem to matter much, as far as directions go, as Cabaniss has only one intersection and it’s a “T”] After several twists and turns, this road straightens out to head due north just a little west of the 96th meridian. About 5.25 miles from US-270, make a right turn on the 35th parallel, and the CP will be immediately on the right.
What’s there to see: In summer, vegetation on the fence lines on either side of the road is so thick as to block the view beyond the road corridor [Photos 2, 3, 5]. Ducking through the hedge revealed numerous hay bales and an open field to the south, and a nice view toward low hills on the north. You can see a little more of the landscape from back at the intersection [Photos 7, 8, 10]. Nothing spectacular, but very pretty country…