the Degree Confluence Project


2.6 km (1.6 miles) NNE of Pack, Steiermark, Austria
Approx. altitude: 904 m (2965 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 47°S 165°W

Accuracy: 9 m (29 ft)
Quality: good

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#2: View to East / Widok na wchod #3: View to South / Widok na poludnie #4: View to West / Widok na zachod #5: GPS

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  47°N 15°E (visit #3)  

#1: View to North / Widok na polnoc

(visited by Adam Rugala and Jacek Rugala)


30-Aug-2004 -- Jadac droga Klagenfurt - Graz A2 zjechalismy z autostrady wyjazdem nr 231 i pojechalismy droga w kierunku Hirschegg-Rein az do momentu kiedy znajdziemy się najblizej przeciecia - od tej drogi asfaltowej odleglosc wynosila ok. 400 m. Jednak aby zaparkowac auto, zawrocilismy i wjechalismy w terenowa, lesna drozke.

Wysiedlismy z auta i poszlismy z tata wzdloz tej drozki lesnej. Kiedy byliśmy ok. 200 m od celu weszlismy w glab lasu. Idac slyszelismy odglosy drwali scinajacych pnie. Ominelismy ich lukiem i doszlismy do punktu. Jednak była slaba widocznosc satelit w tym gestym lesie i co chwile były inne wskazania rozniace się po kilka metrow - stad 46°59’998 N a nie czyste 47°00’000 N. Chodzilismy w okolicy przeciecia chyba z 30 min starajac się zlapac w miare mocny sygnal i zrobic zdjecie czystemu 47°N ale nie udalo nam się to - nie zdazylismy bo co chwile się zmienialy wartosci.

W pewnym momencie, jak już się mocno sciemnilo, podszedl do nas drwal pracujacy wlasnie w tym lesie, na pewno wydalo mu się to dziwne ze tak chodzimy w 1 miejscu tyle czasu i robimy zdjecia. Gdy podchodzil od razu zapytalismy się go: -do you speak english i parles vous france ?? jednak autriak zmierzyl nas spojrzeniem wyrazajacym pogarde jakby mowiacym : „jakim prawem my się go o tej godzinie i w tym lesie pytamy o takie rzeczy. Przeciez to jest autria i tu się mowi po niemiecku” Chcielismy mu wytlumaczyc co robimy ale było to trudne a jeszcze bardziej smieszne. Za 1 razem pokazalem mu gps z szeroscia i dlugoscia ale dalej miał mine jakby nic nie rozumial. Potem mowie do niego pokazujac: you know: world ( pokazuje tak reka kule ziemska) europe, asia, africa ( pokazujac w rozne miejsca ) a potem tak wszystko przecinam rekami w powietrzu, ale on dalej nic nie rozumial. W koncu tata mowi do niego: kreuz !! wtedy mu się rozjasnila mina i zaczal nam cos mowic po niemiecku, nic nie rozumielismy ale przytakiwalismy mu gorliwie, w koncu powiedzial ze do godziny 20:00 mamy opuscic las ( nie wiemy wogole na jakiej podsrawie )

Potem wrocilismy się do samochodu i pojechalismy dalej w kierunku miasta Graz. To było nasze 3 przeciecie :)

Wysokosc: 901 m n.p.m.


30-Aug-2004 -- While we were driving along route A2 Klagenfurt - Graz we drove out autostrade on exit number 231 and we went along street to Hirschegg-Rein until we were located in the nearest point to the confluence - it was about 400 meters left. However, we had to park a car, so we were back and turn to a dirt road in the forest.

We got out from our car, and Dad and me went along this dirt road. When we were 200 meters left, we got into a forest. While we were going we heard sounds from two woodcutters. We went around they, and we were in it :) However, it was poor visibility of satelittes on this place becuse of thick forest so everytime it was other data hence 46°59’998 N but not clearly 47°00’000 N. We went at the neigbourhood about 30 minutes, and we were trying to catch stronger signal and take photo of clearly 47°N but we were late eachtime.

When was getting dark, woodcutter, working in this forest, got closer. It was strange to him, that we were walking around one point so much time and taking photos. When he was getting closer, we asked him: “Do you speak English?” and “Parles vous France?” Austrian looked at us, like he would tell: “By what right, at this time and on this place, we asked him about this thing.It`s Austria, You have to speak German only” We would explain what we are doing, but it was difficult and funny. Firstly I showed him a gps with latitude and longitude, but he didn`t understand anything. Next, i showed globe and said: “You know, world” and i said him after that: “Europe, Asia, Africa” and i moved my hand to different directions. At least, everything I cut in the air with my hand, and Dad said: “Kreuz !!” He understood and started talking in German, we didn`t know, what he is talking about but we nodded him :) Finally, we understood, that we had to leave the forest before 20:00 ( we don`t know by what right)

After that, we came back to our car and we went ahead to Graz. It was our 3th confluence :)

Altitude: 901 m a.s.l.

 All pictures
#1: View to North / Widok na polnoc
#2: View to East / Widok na wchod
#3: View to South / Widok na poludnie
#4: View to West / Widok na zachod
#5: GPS
ALL: All pictures on one page