22-Aug-2020 -- I ended up being able to make a 20th anniversary visit to this confluence. The trip wasn't too planned out, because I didn't expect to visit the confluence even though I was in the area, but had 45 minutes to kill before the Montasia cafe opened up for lunch.
We parked at the historical pullout just east of the entrance, but it's better to park at or near the park entrance sign. There was a path to the river and then several downed trees that made the crossing easy. The vegetation has grown a lot since my visit so it was a bit more difficult to get to. Nothing too difficult, but Michel-lé is a city girl, so I didn't want to push it.
We found the confluence; probably just the very corner compared to the slight clearing that I had been in on the last visit. On the way out we headed straight north to the road rather than backtracking. Michel-lé was able to cross on another downed tree, but I was worried about my balance and phone so I took my shoes off and crossed by foot. It wasn't much easier with the slipper rocks, but in August the water level was only about knee high.
After the river it was clear walking up to the road and we followed it back to the original location.