13-Aug-2006 -- I was in Seattle for a family reunion and while one contingent went on a whale watching expedition, I took the opportunity to drive the 30 miles north to 48N 122W. Although a successful visit, I was disappointed at not being able to reach the exact confluence, particularly after reading the Lincolns’ report some 4 years ago. When I reached the driveway (at 323 171st Ave.) mentioned in their report, it was clearly marked with a No Trespassing sign at the gate (photo #5). The good news, however, was that I was only about 50 meters west (photo #6 of my GPSr) of the confluence at the gate… close enough to be successful. After taking the photos; #1 to the east up the driveway I so much wanted to go, #2 to the north back toward Price Road, #3 of the wooded area west across 171st Ave. from the driveway, and #4 to the south down 171st Ave; I walked east on Price Road to see how close I could get. I was within 65 meters at the closest approach along Price Road. So with that I headed back to Seattle.