the Degree Confluence Project


IDP settlement near Skra, Shida Kartli, Georgia
Approx. altitude: 605 m (1984 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 42°S 136°W

Accuracy: 11 m (36 ft)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: View North #3: View South #5: View West #6: GPS registration #7: Curious villagers

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  42°N 44°E (visit #7)  

#1: Confluence point (east view)

(visited by John Dag Hutchison, Damira and Jyldyz)

24-Sep-2018 -- I was here eight years ago visiting a barren settlement of prefabricated houses, each containing a family which had recently fled South Ossetia, just a few kilometers away. Now the houses were almost overgrown with fruit trees and grapevines. The actual confluence point is in the house of Ketino and her daughter Helena. They were at work and in school but we met her brother-in-law and his wife. When I was here last time I took a number of photos which I promised to send them but never did as I lost the address. I now brought them and we were welcomed with coffee, fresh fruit and a good chat about their new life with a difficult labour market but a safe environment.

For Damira and Jyldyz it was a real introduction to the confluence point project. We met people and got a glimpse of their real life, the past and the present.

It was difficult to get a photo of the actual confluence point, partly because of the vegetation and partly because of all the neighbours who came to find out what happening.

The reason for this very late reporting is due to the photos which somehow disappeared. They now just appeared on the memory of an old camera.

 All pictures
#1: Confluence point (east view)
#2: View North
#3: View South
#5: View West
#6: GPS registration
#7: Curious villagers
ALL: All pictures on one page