the Degree Confluence Project

Poland : Zachodniopomorskie

2.2 km (1.4 miles) E of Lipiany, Zachodniopomorskie, Poland
Approx. altitude: 63 m (206 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 53°S 165°W

Accuracy: 10 m (32 ft)
Quality: better pictures needed

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: It was getting dark... #3: view of the confluence area #4: Me and militia coloured car Syrena 105

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  53°N 15°E (visit #1)  

#1: Meadow at the confluence

(visited by Irek Lochert)

19-May-2001 -- On saturday, May 19th about 18h40 I have visited E15,N53. Maybe somebody was here before me, because I drove on a fresh track from a 4WD car. The tracks run just close to the confluence on a meadow. But untill now on www.confluence.org there is no information about this point beeing visited... I made a few photos of the neighbourhood. On my return trip I photographed in an old car Syrena 105, painted in 'Milicja' [militia, communist version of police] coulors, standing on a display on a BP fuel station in Renice, between Gorzow and Szczecin. When I was taking pictures on the other side of the road was a FSO Polonez in 'Policja' (police) colours - and they were looking at me :-)

Driving further south towards Gorzow I stopped on a parking place where some years ago was an information sign stating that in this place passes meridian 15 degrees east. This is an important meridian, since determines Central European Time Zone and was given a name of Nicolai Copernicus, famous Polish astronomer. It is a small parking place in village Trzcinna (first one on the right side driving from Szczecin. But the sign is no more... Moreover, my GPS shoved E15.00.00.0 about 340 meters further on, precisely at the bus stop. Perhaps someone realized that the GPS uses mainly WGS-84 datum, and because of that removed this sign... :-))

On sunday or on monday I will go near Krosno Odrzanskie - E15,N52. Unless somebody will be faster...

Dzisiaj, w sobotê 19 maja ok 18:40 zdobylem E15,N53. Ktos mo¿e tam byl, bo jechalem po swiezych sladach jakiegos samochodu 4WD. Slady te przechodzily zaraz obok przeciecia na ³¹ce. Ale w tej chwili na stronie www.confluence.org nie ma informacji ¿e punkt jest zdobyty... Zrobilem kilka fotek wyswietlacza GPS, oraz okolicy, a w drodze powrotnej sfotografowalem siê w milicyjnej Syrence 105, stoj¹cej jako eksponat na stacji benzynowej BP, w Renicach, miêdzy Gorzowem a Szczecinem. Jak robilem fotki to po drugiej stronie sta³ Polonez, ale to juz "policja" - i patrzyli sie na mnie :-)

Jadac na poludnie, trasa 3 na Gorzow, zatrzymalem sie na parkingu gdzie przed laty stala tablica informujaca ze w tym miejscu przechodzi poludnik 15 stopni d³ug. wschodniej, poludnik imienia Mikolaja Kopernika, ktory wyznacza czas srodkowoeuropejski.(jest to maly parking we wsi Trzcinna, pierwszy po prawej stronie, jadac od Szczecina) Tablicy ju¿ nie ma.. Co wiecej, moj GPS pokazal E15.00.00.0 dopiero 340 m dalej, dokladnie na przystanku PKS. Moze ktos sie zorientowal ze w GPS uzywa sie glownie standardu WGS-84 i po prostu tablice zdjal... :-))

W niedziele albo poniedzialek jade pod Krosno Odrzanskie - E15,N52. Chyba ze ktos bedzie szybszy...

 All pictures
#1: Meadow at the confluence
#2: It was getting dark...
#3: view of the confluence area
#4: Me and militia coloured car Syrena 105
ALL: All pictures on one page
  Pending visits
Submitted  Visit date  Name  Success?  Status? 
17-Sep-24  13-Sep-24  Nick Ohnesorge  yes  pending