the Degree Confluence Project


6.9 km (4.3 miles) ENE of Zirknitz, Kärnten, Austria
Approx. altitude: 2728 m (8950 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 47°S 167°W

Accuracy: 1.2 km (1257 yd)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: west-south-east view #3: on the way back near "Steiner Alm" #4: Map - GPS

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  47°N 13°E (visit #1) (incomplete) 

#1: somewhere up there (cliffs right hand side)

(visited by Michael Carl)

24-May-2001 -- Came appr. 1000 m close to it, then snow up to my belly forced me back. Think, one month of snow melt to wait, till one can watch his step and avoid vanishing in a snow-hole...

Also I heard several rockfalls in the distance, saw one little avalanche as well.

And it was high time to retreat anyway, since it was almost 5 p.m. with some two hours to go to the car.

If you want to try it before end of June, here are some hints:

  • When arriving in Döllach use that turn toward "Mitten", after 1 km toward "Zirknitz".
  • Follow a signpost saying "Neubrunnenwirt", sometimes you have to drive on a dirt road.
  • After some 5 km (3 mi) you will find a closed gate, then you are at the turn to "Kleines Zirknitztal" where the Confluence can be found.
  • Some 100 m turning left there is a little parking place, or perhaps you get permission to pass the gate, the road is easy to drive (asphaltic), leading to a little lake and passing the confluence at some 1.5 km ( 1 mi ) distance.

Don´t forget your snowshoes and the crampons!

Financial Hint: driving over the "Großglockner Hochalpenstraße" will be an optical pleasure-trip, but will cost you ATS 350,- (appr. 23 US$) toll.

c ya
Mike ;-)

 All pictures
#1: somewhere up there (cliffs right hand side)
#2: west-south-east view
#3: on the way back near "Steiner Alm"
#4: Map - GPS
ALL: All pictures on one page
This is the third highest Confluence in Europe (extending unto the Ural Mountains, von Strahlenberg definition) (Source: SRTM 90m digital elevation data).