27-May-2001 -- This confluence is on open ranch land in southern Idaho. Access to within about 1/2 mile is via unpaved roads, but the roads are in very good shape. The California Trail goes through this area, and picture #2 shows where the trail crossed Goose Creek (or at least it might). The 49ers obviously came through this area on their way to California so they could visit the confluence, but had a hard time finding it because their early Trimble GPS receivers weren't very accurate. When I attempted to visit the confluence, I crossed the creek, and started across the field toward the hill and the confluence, but the field is pretty much a marsh since it is so flat and the creek drain through the entire field. I didn't mind the water so much, but the mosquitoes were so thick that I couldn't continue. If someone were to visit this confluence either they will need plenty of bug spray, or they can visit during a time of the year when there aren't any mosquitoes.