26-Jun-2001 -- It was a lovely sunny mid-winters day. I drove to within 150 m of the confluence then walked along the fence line to determine exactly where it was. It was only 100 m away now, but on private land. Just as I was standing there deciding what to do next (I was just about to get out my camera and take a photo from the fence line), a woman asked over the fence to the farm house, "Can I help you?". Surprised, I explained that I was part of a geeky GPS project, where we take photographs of every confluence (where lines of latitude and longitude meet) on earth and would it be OK for me to take a look (as the paddock was empty). Slightly bemused, she said that would be fine and pointed me back down the fence to the gate.
The paddock was slightly muddy but firm, now only 100 m to go! I came across a slightly wet patch where a small creek flowed through the paddock, it was probably a bit muddy, but I had sturdy waterproof boots on, no problem! As I was in a hurry, I tramped on across. Next thing I knew, I was up to my waist in muddy water (I should not have worn jeans today!). I indignantly waded across to the other side (for about 2 m), submerging my GPS as I went. Now there was less than 50 m to go. While shaking the water out of the battery compartment of my GPS, one of the batteries went flying through the air and fell somewhere in the long grass (I didn't bring any spares). After a few minutes I found it again and made my way to the confluence (it was as simple as that!).
I took a photo to the south, west, north, and east (see Photos 1 to 4, respectively). I took another photo of the confluence point and my GPS (Photo 5; it's a bit blurry).
Donovan Govan.
Coordinator's note: Kekerengu Cottage, on the property and run by Lynne and Chris, would be a very appropriate place to stay for confluence visitors! Rates and details are at www.kekerengucottage.com.