29-Jun-2008 -- While recovering from hand surgery, I was unable to take part in two of my favorite recreational activities - Mountain Biking and Brazilian Jiu-jitsu - so instead I decided to satisfy myself with another favorite activity: Confluence Hunting. On Sunday June 29th, 2008, I set out on an expedition to bag three northern California confluence points that I had yet to visit: [39,-122], [40,-122], and [39,-123].
Because I knew that [39,-122] was in a farmed field, I deliberately chose to visit it on a Sunday, figuring that this would give me the least chance of bothering people working on the farm. I was right - the field was deserted, but it was also plowed and bare, so there probably wouldn't have been anyone there even if I'd visited on a weekday.
I was easily able to find a dirt road that took me 0.1 miles East of the confluence point. An easy hike across the plowed field led to the point. All around was rather bland, flat farmland. Smoke from several wild fires raging throughout the state obscured the views.
Like Joseph Kerski, I was puzzled about the name of the neaby farming hamlet of "College City". There's nothing even remotely resembling a 'college' there. I couldn't find any clue on the web, and an email to the Colusa County Library remained unanswered. If anyone finds out anything about the reason for the town's name, please let us know.