the Degree Confluence Project

Norway : Buskerud

3.0 km (1.9 miles) N of Vikersund, Buskerud, Norway
Approx. altitude: 148 m (485 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 60°S 170°W

Accuracy: 3 m (9 ft)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: View from the edge of the field, 15 m away #3: Raspberries are very tasty #4: Less than 8 year old path #5: GPS #6: Track log

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  60°N 10°E (visit #7)  

#1: 360-degree panorama

(visited by Terje Mathisen)

09-Aug-2008 -- Today was the Norwegian national Ultra Long Distance orienteering championship, and at the same venue there was also a regular length (two-day) race for those who didn't take part in the championship.

I ran a decent race in class H50AL, and was lucky enough to finish just before another rain-shower came down. Instead of waiting for those who had started after me, to see if they would beat me, I decided to leave the arena to visit this confluence: It was just 5-6 km distant from the race center!

I parked on the side of a bus stop that's located almost directly opposite the confluence, less than 300 m away, and ran into the forest: It had changed a lot in the time since my previous visit to this point, in Nov 2000!

There had been quite a bit of logging work, new houses had been put up, and the undergrowth was a lot denser than on my previous trip.

The little clearing that contains the point, located just 10-15 m from the edge of a big field, is home to many wild raspberry bushes, I simply had to take the time to eat several mouthfuls !

On the way back I tried to follow a path that didn't exist 8 years ago, but it went too far south, so I had to bushwack a bit to get back to the car, see the track log.

 All pictures
#1: 360-degree panorama
#2: View from the edge of the field, 15 m away
#3: Raspberries are very tasty
#4: Less than 8 year old path
#5: GPS
#6: Track log
ALL: All pictures on one page