04-May-2001 -- After submitting a N52E005 confluence in the Netherlands,
I got a chance to hunt for another one on my vacation
in Greece.
On 4th of May 2001 my father and I went from Gournes
in the North of Crete in search for the only confluence
on the island. On our way we had to cross several
mountain chains and looking at some of the rocky walls
I was afraid that the confluence could be somewhere where
only birds dare to go. Fortunately as we approached
the village of Vagionia the terrain gave us hope our
mission could be accomplished.
We drove as far as it was
possible and we left the car at about 600 meters from the
aim of the journey. As we climbed up the hill through some
olive grooves several big colorful lizards jumped away just
from under our feet.
Almost at the top, there it was:
the N35E25 confluence. I took several photos but as you can
see it does not matter which direction you look, there are
just olive trees everywhere. I marked the location with the
biggest piece of rock I could find in the neighborhood.
It was a very nice day and we had a lot of fun going there
and visiting the spot.