the Degree Confluence Project

Venezuela : Anzoátegui

9.6 km (6.0 miles) NW of Concordia, Anzoátegui, Venezuela
Approx. altitude: 219 m (718 ft)
([?] maps: Google MapQuest OpenStreetMap ConfluenceNavigator)
Antipode: 9°S 116°E

Accuracy: 5 m (16 ft)
Quality: good

Click on any of the images for the full-sized picture.

#2: gps proof #3: NWW #4: SSE #5: SW #6: Luis #7: Gate near by the PC with the cows #8: Bull near by the gate

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  9°N 64°W (visit #5)  

#1: PC Area

(visited by Luis Pages)


18-Mar-2009 --

Partiendo temprano desde Ciudad Bolívar rumbo a Caracas cambié el rumbo a N9W64. Luego de sortear por las malas carreteras llegué a la vía de asfalto y luego el portón para entrar en la carretera de tierra.

Después encuentro otro portón cerrado con candado, donde dejé mi camioneta. Pasé a pie el portón y luego una cerca con alambre de púas y caminé a través del monte para llegar a un claro donde se encontraba el PC. Unos minutos y listo de regreso al portón y dirección a Caracas


18-Mar-2009 --

I departure early in the morning from Ciudad Bolívar to Caracas, but when I was close to El Tigre city I changed my course to N9W64. After driving thru bad roads I drove to the first gate of the road toward the dirt road.

Later I found a second gate that was padlocked where I left my truck. I walked the gate and passed by a thru a wire fence and a forest. Later I found an open field where the PC it’s located. It took me few minutes to register the confluence and back to my truck heading to Caracas.

 All pictures
#1: PC Area
#2: gps proof
#3: NWW
#4: SSE
#5: SW
#6: Luis
#7: Gate near by the PC with the cows
#8: Bull near by the gate
ALL: All pictures on one page