30-Aug-2003 -- This would be a confluence filled Labor Day weekend. Nine successful attempts would be made making a large triangle across Nevada and partially into California with four confluences on each side. Proceeding east to 35n-115w, my plan was to proceed north to 38n-115w capturing four (
38n-115w), then due west to 38n-118w for three more (
38n-118w), then diagonally southeast capturing the remaining two (
36n-116w), leaving a single confluence in the center which, at 37n-116w, will likely never be visited. Total round-trip mileage ended up being 1240 miles.
If we hurried, I could bag two confluences before lunch. I easily found my planned starting point to this one right off highway 93. Unless I had a Hummer, there was no way a vehicle was going to get across the ditch with a washed out 24 inch drainage pipe in it. I proceeded on foot. Initially I thought my bike would have been better but after about a half mile, would have had to continue the rest of the way on foot. I weaved in and out of the scrub brushes and across several drainage patterns of the Pahranagat Wash until I was just west of them. A little bit further and I was there. Having flown over this area hundreds of times, I am amazed by the amount of detail missed - minor elevation changes and the plants and wildlife - lots of lizards. I was also amazed at the amount of trash I encountered, in the pristine middle of nowhere I came across about 5 cans and bottles I would pack out. In the movie "The Gods must be Crazy" a bottle falls from the sky onto a place that had never seen a bottle before. Some of these bottles and cans had weathered quite a bit, others looked fairly recent. I don't think they fell from airplanes. I did not see the PVC pipes mentioned by Jack Frickey but suspect the trash originated from the offroaders he described.
Photo 1 is looking west. Photo 2 is looking north. Photo 3 looks to the east. Photo 4 looks south. Photo 5 is my GPS indications. The last file is a Garmin MapSource file with the GPS Track record of my visit. You will need to right click and save file and then open with MapSource to view.
Total round-trip distance from highway 93 was 3.09 miles and time was 1 hour, 12 minutes. Next was 38n-115w